
Altar Sponsors

If you would like to be an Altar Sponsor during the 2020 calendar year, please contact the office for available months. The donation is $150 and helps to cover the costs of the wine and hosts. Please be sure to mark your check “Altar Sponsor.” Thank you for your continued support.

New Parish Directory

This project is on hold until further notice. Photography appointments for our updated parish directory have begun before and after all masses and during office hours. There is absolutely NO obligation to purchase anything. All participants will receive a free 8X10 photograph and a free directory.

The Pain of Being Ignored

“If you put up with suffering for doing what is right, this is acceptable in God’s eyes” (1 Pet 2:20). In this complex twentieth-century I suggest that one of the most excruciating forms of suffering is to stand up for the truth, to endanger the security and comfort of one’s own life for the sake…