Volunteer Opportunities

Fr. Joseph Stoverink

The church is a community of Christians that gather for faith and fellowship. It’s also a family that needs volunteers, funding, and leadership. How could your gifts help?

If you’d like to share your time, talent, or treasure, look at these communities and activities that could greatly use your help.

Liturgical Ministries

  • Altar Sponsor: A donation of $150 helps to cover the costs of the wine and hosts for one month.
  • Communion to the homebound.
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Open to those who have been confirmed. Commissioned by the Bishop for 3 years.
  • Liturgy Committee: Members coordinate the theme, liturgy, and environment of our parish worship. The goal is to identify ways to make our liturgical prayer life a source of spiritual growth for all.
  • Mass Captain: Coordinate the liturgical ministries so the Mass runs smoothly (before, during, and after Mass).
  • Music/choir: Enhance the community’s worship with instrumental and/or vocal talents and leadership. To volunteer, please contact Tom Kutz: (417) 840-5108 (for Sunday, 9:30 Mass), Nidelvia Peraza: (417) 766-6082 (for Sunday, 12:30 Mass), or Domingo Galicia: (417) 824-9975 (for Sunday, 6 pm, Mass).
  • Reader: Proclaim God’s Word at Mass.
  • Server: Open to those 10 years old or older who have received their first communion.

Religious & Spiritual Enrichment

  • Adult Education and Formation Committee: This group identifies and promotes programs providing adults with the opportunity to grow in their faith. Contact Steve Bishop (417) 300-6987 to volunteer.
  • *Parish School of Religion (PSR): Be a part of the team that helps parish youth strengthen and grow in their faith.
  • Quadalupanas: Members who grow in their faith with Mary and help prepare for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
  • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Share your faith by helping with the process by which adults are welcomed into our Catholic faith (Sept.-May).
  • Rosary & Adoration: Please, join us for our weekly Rosary every Saturday at 3:30 pm (English) and Sunday at 5:30 pm (Spanish). Volunteers to lead the Rosary are always welcome. … We also offer time for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament every Friday (8:30-9:30 am) and Sundays (5-6 pm).

Parish Groups & Outreach Ministries

  • Christmas Craft Venders/Cookie Sale Committee: Volunteers are always needed to help organize and implement this, our second biggest, non-liturgical event of the year.
  • *Church cleaning: Our “Angel Dusters” are teams of 2-4 persons who keep the worship area clean and organized on an alternating schedule.
  • Claret Mens Showers: April to November, we need volunteers assisting with mens showers, Tuesdays 1-4 pm
  • Claret Shelter: We offer meals and a safe warm bed to 25 homeless men when the temperatures are freezing. We need help with cooking/serving dinner 6-8:30 pm, overnight supervision 7 pm- 7 am, and/or cooking/serving breakfast 5:30-8 am. For more details or to volunteer, call or text Marilyn Batson at (417) 827-6388, or 13isit@sbcglobal.net, or Mary Ukena to sign-up for meal service at (417) 880-9689. You can also contact the parish office listed above.
  • Clothing Program for Homeless/Refugees: Organizing and storing of resources donated and acquired the those in need.
  • *Development Committee: Raises funds to support the work of the parish. A BBQ dinner the craft/vendor sale, the sale of advertising for the parish bulletin, and the SCRIPT (gift card) sales are the principal activities.
  • Festival of Nations Committee: Many helpers are needed to assist before, during, and after this, our biggest, non-liturgical event of the year. If you are interested in being a sponsor, or would like to help with this event, please contact the parish office.
  • Finance Council: Members assist the pastor and the pastoral council in the financial administration of the parish.To be considered for a position on the council, please talk to the pastor.
  • Health Care Committee: This committee plans and organizes opportunities for the health care needs of the church and local community.
  • Heart to Heart women’s group: Open to all women of the parish which meets monthly, and supports each other spiritually, through guest speakers and retreats, as well as help raise funds for the Parish needs (liturgy PSR, etc.), and lead Mass for the May Crowning of Mary.
  • Hispanic Committee: The Hispanic committee plans and organizes events and celebrations to share the traditions of Hispanic faith with are church.
  • Knights of Columbus: Parishioners are active in this charitable and fraternal organization that has provided financial help to Sacred Heart and countless charities through the year. For more information, contact Scott Buckman (417) 224-3548.
  • Outreach Committee: This is an ‘umbrella’ committee for the planning and organizing of the Claret Shelter and related services for the poor, hungry, and displaced.
  • Pastoral Council: The consultative body that works with the pastor to grow the evangelization efforts of our parish and to define the vision of what the parish is called to be. To be considered for a position on the council, please talk to the pastor.
  • Young at Heart Seniors: Young at Heart is primarily for those 50+ and/or retired, but we’ll accept any who want to take part. Meet Wednesdays for weekly Mass and a delicious pot luck breakfast afterwards.
  • *Youth Committee: Persons dedicated to providing opportunities for young people to form community and grow in their faith.
  • Website assistance: Help maintain this Website by uploading bulletin news posts and making minor updates. This requires minimal training. It’s about as easy as using Email. English-to-Spanish translation skills are also in high demand.


  • Coffee & Doughnuts: Needed are persons willing to help with preparation/clean-up after the 9:30 am Mass.
  • Funeral Dinners: Persons to help plan, prepare, and serve luncheons after funerals of parishioners provide a much-appreciated service to those who have lost a loved one. Contact Ruth Kellner (417) 269-8953 to volunteer.
  • Monthly Parish Meal: Food and fellowship go together! For a nominal charge, join fellow parishioners on the last Sunday of the month after the 9:30am and 12:30pm Masses for a good time and a tasty meal.

Service opportunities in the parish

  • Food organizer: Help is needed to organize our food pantry and assist in food collections for weekly distributing baskets at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
  • Holy Rollers: Helps to bring the homebound to church.
  • Maintenance: Are you a plumber, electrician, painter, plow operator [… ___ fill in the blank…] ? Use your skills (basic to complex) on an as-needed basis to keep our parish buildings and grounds in good repair and looking good.
  • Meal Train: Help is needed to cook, serve, and deliver meals the homeless at the Claret Shelter and other sites for the homeless.