
Town Hall with Fr. Ray

On Sunday, September 19 at 10:45 a.m. we will gather with social distancing in our parish hall to answer 3 questions: What do you like about Sacred Heart (what do we do well)? What are your dreams for Sacred Heart? What can we do better? This will be a listening session for our parish council,…

Festival of Nations update

We are preparing for is the Festival of Nations. In response to the pandemic, we are adjusting our celebration to spread it over 3 weekends so we avoid any overcrowding. We will hold the event September 26, October 3, and October 10 each Sunday from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. We will offer a selection of…

From the pastor’s desk—Aug. 29, 2021

Dear Sacred Heart Family, It may have gone unnoticed by many,but this year marks the 40th anniversaryof the arrival of the ClaretianMissionaries to Sacred Heart Church.Our parish album (1982) that marked our100th year anniversary recounts that theClaretians’ arrival marked the fulfilmentof the founding families’ desire that the parish be entrusted to a (religious) order of priests. As…

New beginnings

Our Life here at Sacred Heart is in many ways a mirror of what is happening is our bigger world. Just as our children are getting ready to start a new academic year, and we are facing new restrictions with the surge in local Coronavirus cases, we are beginning a new part of our faith…

Sacred Heart rummage sale

Great news! Because of the success of this week’s Garage Sale, it has been decided to have it again next weekend. If you were not able to get by and see all the great items, please plan on coming next weekend, Friday August 6 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and on Saturday, August 7…

Signs of life

It is easy to see why the crowds followed Jesus: he was attentive to their physical needs and performed marvelous works. In this Gospel, though, it is clear that the people “don’t get it.” They wanted another sign, more of what had just happened; they had been fed to fullness and wanted to be dazzled. Jesus’ rebuke about…

Dear Parishioners:

Any good start needs an ending; and here I stand at the brink of my departure from Springfield to my next assignment in Arizona. I look at it with gratification and joy. Thank you for your part in my journey. In the words of President John F. Kennedy, I would say, “We must find time to stop…

Rest and renewal

The apostles have just returned from their first “missionary journey,” and they have much to report to Jesus. You can almost imagine the disciples’ excitement, and the care in Jesus’ voice as he invites them to “come away…to a deserted place and rest awhile” (Mark 6:31). Yet when they are faced with a crowd, they forgo their rest and Jesus…

Farewell party for Fr. Gaspar

On Saturday, July 24, we will be hosting a bon voyage party for Father Gaspar. Father will be leaving us the end of the month to head for warmer climates in Arizona. We will begin the celebration at 6:00 pm. Food and entertainment will be provided. We ask that you contact the office at at 869-3646 with the number attending in order…

Called to discipleship

The first sentence in this Gospel is enough to take your breath away: “He summoned the Twelve and began to send them out…and gave them authority…” (Mary 6:7). The disciples had been with Jesus for a while. They had heard him preach; they had seen him perform miracles. They had also seen him be rejected. Now it…

Eucharist, The Body of Christ

The readings today focus on the Gospel of Mark and his account of the Last Supper. The Eucharist takes its significance and meaning from these actions and words of Jesus. Eucharist for the early followers of Jesus was a verb and not a noun. In other words, Christians lived and gathered to do Eucharist, not…