From the pastor’s desk—Sept. 26, 2021

Fr. Ray Smith, CMF
Parochial administrator

As Fall begins to take a hold, nature invites us to make the most of the days before us. Our Fall life here at Sacred heart will be marked by a few activities worth our attention. The most notable is our faith formation programs. I would like to thank all our new and old instructors that are making it possible to pass on our faith to the next generation in PSR and RCIA. And I thank all the parents who have brought their children to us to assist them in their duty to give these children a stronger foundation in our faith.

For the next three weeks we will be spotlighting the various cultures of our parish in our Festival of Nations celebration. We will ask all our parishioners to invite friends and neighbors to these events to share the joy of being the Springfield Church that best reflects the multicultural tapestry of our universal Church.

I am also excited to announce that we will mark a new novena in the life of our church this year, as we will make a Novena to St. Anthony Mary Claret—the founder of the Claretian Missionaries and perhaps the most significant saint of the 19th century. Within the Novena, we are thrilled to offer the parish a day retreat on October 23rd before we celebrate the feast on October 24th. I understand it has been years since a retreat has been offered here, and it will be open to all.

We will also be offering a family movie night October 23rd to see the movie COCO, as we build stronger family connections among our families at Sacred Heart and help prepare us for the celebrations of All Saints/All Souls and Day of the Dead.

In November we look forward to holding a dinner celebration marking the 40th Anniversary of the arrival of the Claretian Missionaries to Sacred Heart in 1981.

December will of course bring our Christmas Crafts and Cookie Fair (Dec 3-4.) Finally, we will close out the fall season will full novena celebrations for the Feast of Guadalupe and the Posadas.

Many people shared at our Town Hall they love how Sacred Heart feels like a family and how we enjoy good food, and I think this Fall will give us lots of both.

All for Jesus with Mary,
Fr. Ray