From the Pastor’s desk— May 5, 2024
6th Week of Easter
Today Jesus gives us our Great Mission, “Love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12. Today we also participate in the annual project of our Diocese to complete this same mission here in Springfield in the Diocesan Development Fund Collection (DDF). Here I would to share how our diocese spreads God’s love with your generous gift.
The Bishop’s Ministry
Grants & aid
Media relations
The Mirror
Religious Education for our children
PSR Support staff
Support of our parochial schools
Aid to Catholic Campus Ministry
Family Ministries
Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
Health Affairs
Marriage Tribunal
Financial Services
Planned Giving
Development and Properties
Adult Faith formation
Ongoing Clergy formation/gatherings)
Permanent Deaconate formation
Seminarian formation
Vocation Ministry (recruitment of future priests/religious)
Liturgy & Worship
Missouri Catholic Conference
Respect Life
Project Rachel
Youth Ministry
Child/Youth protection (Virtus training)
Youth conferences/gatherings
Grants & scholarships
** The highlighted sections show where we at Sacred Heart/the Claretians have received direct benefits from your generous giving. Thank you for helping us do our Mission.

Parochial administrator
With a heart for Mission,
Fr. Ray